This video is about our trip to Mount Athos in August 2013.
With Vasilis we were both very curious about this place but not necessarily looking for a religious or mystical experience. During the preparation, we decided to climb to the top of Mont Athos (2027 metres). That gave us a challenging goal! On our way to the top, we realised there was a cloud stuck at the top of the mountain… a strange meteorological phenomenon I have cannot explain! We reached the top in the mist with an incredible wind.
We spent 4 days on the ‘holy mountain’, enough to get a glimpse of this incredible place, enough to give some impressions…
This movie was recorded with a GoPro camera that may explain the ‘fisheye’ look of the footages. I could not film in the churches or at dinner with the monks, that would not have been correct. These impression will remain for us.
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