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Summer is coming


Incredible Human Pyramids

XXIV Concurs de Castells celebrat el 6 i 7 d'octubre de 2012 a la Tarraco Arena Plaça de Tarragona. XXIV Human Towers Competition. It took place the 6th and 7th of October 2012 in Tarragona, Catalonia. Dirigit / directed by David Oliete © Música / music by Binary Produccions (Roger Conesa | Jorge Varela) i la col·laboració / and the collaboration of Arnau Sans. -------- On November 2010 castells were declared by UNESCO to be amongst the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. En noviembre de 2010, els castells fueron declarados Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad por la Unesco.
