Here's just a small sample of the work I did recently.
Study Visit to the Silicon Valley of Members of the European Parliament
With more than 20 visits in 4 days, it was a marathon the MEPs have been running in the Silicon Valley but is was worth to understand what makes that place so special! Below in the highlight clip I produced, and here the other videos including a daily blog.
Portrait of Hans van Baalen, Member of the European Parliament and president of the ALDE party
This project took one month to put in place but the long preparation helped a lot to create a result that works quite well. Idea was to show that Mr van Baalen is a facilitator for the european liberal parties in Europe but without being too technical or too long.
Event of Circular Economy for Eurometaux
For this event, we decided with the client in addition to the classic coverage, to have lighter video where I would ask participants what message they would give to Jean-Claude Juncker if meeting in the elevator. The result is quite energetic and lots of messages are passed.
Animation about how to surf the internet safely for people with intellectual disability
For that project I used a tool called videoscribe that is making some really engaging animations as you tend to follow the hand that is drawing or writing the text. It is also mixing really well with videos. Last but not least, working with people with intellectual disability is a very enriching experience.
Below it is the French version, English, Italian, Polish and Spanish versions are on their way!
SafeSurfing est un projet sur deux ans qui a pour but de former les personnes en situation de handicap intellectuel à l'utilisation sécurisée d'internet afin qu'elles puissent protéger leurs données à caractère personnel et leur vie privée.
Lecture on Alzheimer's Disease
My client, Imagilys, is a company specialised in brain imaging. They were giving a lecture on the latest techniques applied to Alzheimer's diseases and asked me to make a video of the class for people that could not make it that day. Idea was to focus on the slides of the presenter but also to show him and get a sense of his body language.
Animation about Road Safety
For that project I partnered with another company in order to polish the script of the client, look at the best visual options for the animation and the best voices for the voiceover. It was great fun working on that project and the client was extremely happy about the result! Looking forward to the new animation project!
Highlight of the General Assembly of LightingEurope
LightingEurope is a trade association representing the lighting manufacturers in Europe. The market is rapidly changing due to some technological changes, namely LED is going to replace all our lamps. This video is showing the atmosphere, the work part and the fun part of the annual General Assembly that took place in Madrid in March.
Conference on Transatlantic Internet Policy
Internet is global but some regulations are taken at national or regional level. I covered a conference on the future of the Internet policy between Europe and the US.
Promotion video for a Business School in Brussels
This is a really nice project I did for the United Business Institute, a Brussels based, English speaking, Business school. Interviewing students was lots of fun and I was amazed how motivated they were!
Studio portraits of Georgia
Our friend Georgia gave birth only 4 days after the photo-shoot. She wanted to have special picture about the end of her pregnancy. I look forward for the moment she will show this pictures to her daughter Stephanie!

Olive Harvest in Kastro
Some people are saying it is my most beautiful movie, I will just say that this is an hommage to the hard work of olive harvesting in Greece and to the fantastic olive oil of my father in law.
Pictures with Black Screen
What a fantastic surprise when you find the right light for the black screen and see these wonderful portraits coming out of the camera.