This is a movie I did for my brother about his company. He took over the family foundry and  keep alive the tradition since 150 years and 6 generations! The business has evolve  a lot since the beginnings and is now specialized in small and medium series of cast iron-pieces for water distribution. More on the website here.

The movie is just above 1:30 minutes and give a flavour of what the company can achieve in conceiving, designing and creating a tailor made manual cover. I was lucky to use a model which is  now already installed in a street so I could show the full chain of services and the final product. The music is from a traditional Basque band my father wanted me to use to give a taste for the music from the South-West of France. It gives a nice touch to the video and works well when they play the video at trade fairs in the North of France (although it makes my brother crazy after listening to it a full day :-) )

I have been filming with 2 cameras, my Sony AVCHD and the Gopro. The more I was editing, the more I reduced to the core messages using the text to underline parts of the process.

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