This is an interview I recorded in January for the Bertelsmann Stiftung. I have experimented several things here: 

  • The interview was recorded with 2 cameras and I am quite happy about the dynamic it gives even if the second camera is only used 2 or 3 times.
  • The client proposed the put the questions as slides and I have to say it worked really well! I will use it for other projects.
  • My main camera was recording in 4K. There I had a bit of a surprise when zooming at editing on the face for a closeup, it was giving a feeling that the lips were not in sync with the voice! 4K was giving too much details!
  • Last but not least, I am testing the Wistia player instead of YouTube. I have been following them for several years, their advises for video making are really cool. Now I am trying their player, so far really easy to play with. 
