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my work


Studio portraits from my living room

I had a lot of fun this weekend setting up a black screen in the living room and taking some really nice pictures there. I used 2 light-boxes for the faces and that worked really nicely. Something I found really interesting my Lumix GX7 gave some really good results in RAW and completely crap on JEPG. I guess one of the settings was not right for these kind of special conditions but I was very happy to see that black is great when coming straight out of the sensor!

I will continue using this setting and black background as I think it really creates a classy images and sharp details. 



Wonderful Time Lapse from Greece

Several of the time lapse I have made in Greece this summer. Most of them are taken in Kastro where my wife is coming from. Time lapse are a great way to capture the beauty of a sunset so watch it in HD! If you like this video, register to my channel!



The sea is more beautiful slow speed!

While in Greece it is difficult not to take pictures of the sea! what is not easy is to make something a bit different. I read in a photo magazine recently that it is interesting to take long shoots of the sea and the movement of the sea will become beautifully blurry, almost foggy.

Ideally it is best to have a filter to reduce the light (can't remember the name). In the few pictures below, I had no filter but I am quite happy about the result. I played a bit with the filters of the Nik Collection to give a bit of style but the result is quite satisfying. On the first two pictures below the aperture is at its lowest (f16) and the shutter speed 1/8 of a second. I particularly like the smoky effect close to the rock on the second picture. For the third pic, the aperture is f14 and the speed at 1/10 of a second.

The sky is a completely burned which is a pity as it is quite beautiful but as there was no clouds, there was nothing to contrast with. 

I strongly recommend to try this technique, it is a really nice way to take original pics of the sea and to capture a little bit of the magic of its movement!



The Olive Tree

This olive tree is 200 years old and keeps on producing lots of olives for a delicious olive oil.  


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Time-Lapse in Brussels

Nicolas has a nice little balcony. On that day it was cloudy and windy. In less than one hour I got this really cool time-lapse that I pimped a little bit with some nice blurry effects.

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Pictures of May

Better late than never, a small movie about my pictures in May. Mostl the fantastic light of Oslo and lots of great special effects with Nik Software



Itaka Roma

This video is about a wonderful trip to Roma guide by Moro Mou Pati and hosted by Clementina & Osvaldo. Note in the end of the video my inquiry on the terrasse of Jep Gambardella from la Grande Bellezzia.



Testing Animations

Testing PowToon a really cool website to create animations. It is very intuitive and give a great idea of how cool animation video can be. But also it gives a sense to the work it requires to be high quality ;-)



Vive la France

In the city centre of Oslo, 3 coloured public urinal in blue, white and red with the French moto on the top! only one word: VIVE LA FRANCE!



When visiting Rome...

Strange things happenned to me all the time but that time was kind of cool. I was in Rome visiting the colloseum like any other tourists when on my way out...



Pictures April 2014

April was wonderful this year! lots of sunny days and plenty of beautiful flowers to photograph! End of April, we went to Rome for the weekend and I made some beautiful pictures all in manual mode. Again, I continue playing with Nik software to give a certain touch to the pictures.
