For my first winter in Greece we were really lucky with the weather that was very sunny and always around 19 degrees! That was really inspiring to take some wonderful pictures of landscapes.

When you set out for Itaka
ask that your way be long,
full of adventure, full of instruction (...)
Constantine P. Cavafy
I am taking great pictures and movies from the olive season in Greece. A movie is on its way but here are some cool pictures.
Congrats to Tim for sharing his tips, very straight to the point!
My friend Tomek wrote to me today flagging this very good video from Levis. He wrote the following, I cannot agree more!
"I find it to be a masterpiece of marketing and storytelling. It's super mainstream (too mainstream for my tastes) but still remains authentic. From the technical point of view: look how swift this is - moves fast, never bores. And, what's more relevant, it's about something more: it's not about pants - it's a bout lifestyle and who you are (or should be)."
Simple pic of the last remaining mushrooms of the woods
It took me a bit of time to understand but I made it :-) taking a picture of full moon is not easy in the beginning because the logic is a bit counterintuitive. When I started taking pics of the moon, it was always too bright with sort of allow around the pic... It was OK but I could not see details of the moon.
Today I used an other setting AND a tripod, that is very important because even if you take the pic with fast speed, the camera needs to be perfectly stable. Then, aperture f4 and speed 800 with 200 ISO :-)
A great article from Adam Welch about fears in photography and that applies well to video making :-)
There are so many excellent picture of Paris, it is hard to do something new and original! Well that is what Brahamino did with great style! Congrats!
Thanks Izzy from Izzy video for these great tips, I will try them soon!
I had a lot of fun this weekend setting up a black screen in the living room and taking some really nice pictures there. I used 2 light-boxes for the faces and that worked really nicely. Something I found really interesting my Lumix GX7 gave some really good results in RAW and completely crap on JEPG. I guess one of the settings was not right for these kind of special conditions but I was very happy to see that black is great when coming straight out of the sensor!
I will continue using this setting and black background as I think it really creates a classy images and sharp details.
I read a very interesting article this morning saying that allowed budgets for the referendum campaign in Scotland is limited (something around £3M) and hence campaigner will have to be very creative in using their money.
Well here is an excellent example of a video based on a very well written script and a nice use of text rolling. Worth watching till the end!
While in Greece it is difficult not to take pictures of the sea! what is not easy is to make something a bit different. I read in a photo magazine recently that it is interesting to take long shoots of the sea and the movement of the sea will become beautifully blurry, almost foggy.
Ideally it is best to have a filter to reduce the light (can't remember the name). In the few pictures below, I had no filter but I am quite happy about the result. I played a bit with the filters of the Nik Collection to give a bit of style but the result is quite satisfying. On the first two pictures below the aperture is at its lowest (f16) and the shutter speed 1/8 of a second. I particularly like the smoky effect close to the rock on the second picture. For the third pic, the aperture is f14 and the speed at 1/10 of a second.
The sky is a completely burned which is a pity as it is quite beautiful but as there was no clouds, there was nothing to contrast with.
I strongly recommend to try this technique, it is a really nice way to take original pics of the sea and to capture a little bit of the magic of its movement!
An unbelievable story from Vicki Croke about elephants during the WWII, worth to listen till the end! More about this story and Vicki Croke on her website